Tuesday, May 15, 2001


bigY: Whew, on the hot seat today, huh?
JPennant: yar :-(
bigY: I wasn't surprised to see peeps getting bent over that...
JPennant: well, im taking down ***** thing in a bit
bigY: i can't imagine ***** would be too happy either...
JPennant: and take ***** name out of it
JPennant: She has a point about that.
JPennant: ***** didnt do anything
bigY: oh, i understand. i don't think people like to have assumptions made about them
bigY: no matter how much of it may be true
bigY: or not
JPennant: this is true.
bigY: heh-heh, did you see you horrorscope today?
JPennant: for whom?
bigY: Virgo
Tue May 15, 2001 by Astrocenter.com
The square between Sun and Uranus warns you to be careful about what you say about other people. If you are speaking about someone who is not present, act as if they are. What is your motivation for saying the things you want to say? Is it really necessary to speak in such a manner? A negative comment about someone else is going to resonate throughout the cosmos and will come right back at you. People will also lose their trust in you.

JPennant: Wow.
bigY: Hmm, shoulda read that before posting today... haha!
JPennant: Gahhr.
JPennant: Im putting THIS up. :-)
bigY: heh-heh.... ;-)
JPennant: Trust me to be in tune with the *$^$)#& universe *today*.
bigY: apparently... :-\
JPennant: ah well. guess it was gonner happen
bigY: yup, i guess you didn't have a chance 2day
JPennant: Weird. I bought four papers this morn.. and I didnt even read my horrorscope like I normally do...
JPennant: *poof*
bigY: it's funny, i don't really follow those things, but for some reason, when I read about your "troubles", I just instinctively went to check yours out...
JPennant: heheh. good instincts
JPennant: i was already actually editing stuff, but you kinda helped me to appreciate i was in the wrong.. righteous indignation or no.
JPennant: thanks :-)
bigY: your welcome!

bigY signed off at 7:56:59 PM.

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