Thursday, May 17, 2001

I knew before I finished eating, I had made a mistake.

I had promised myself that I wouldnt buy ANY prepared takeout food.. and Ive been good this last coupla months.

I wanted to save money, eat right and keep my steady weight loss going..

But when I saw the little chinese takeout right next to the laundromat last night, and smelled the aromas - I gave in.

I was hungry.

From when I paid the higher than listed price to halfway chewing the untasty meal, I knew I had given in too quickly.

Now, all I have to do is remember that over-priced, crunchy, burned, greasy chicken to keep on track.
I stepped out the door lugging my little cart to go late-night grocery shopping.. and stepped right into a scene of flashing lights, parked gas utility trucks, police and fire vehicles, the sreet cordoned off with yellow tape, and 50 fire-fighters standing around looking concerned.


I got the attention of one of the firemen..

Me: Uhh..did I just step into a gas emergency?
FF: Well, there was a fire under a manhole cover. We're just waiting for PSG&E to check things out.

(New York, by law, runs most of the electrical and assorted wiring underground to keep them protected from storms and whatnot. Its the norm in the New York area..)

Me: =o. Oh yah, I remember seeing what I thought was steam coming from the manhole earlier this evening. Thought that was odd, since its too warm for steam.
FF: And you had the sense not to step on it, right?
Me: Yep.
FF: You're smart.. because... jesus..look at *this* #%@&*%#&..

(As we spoke, a young man had walked THROUGH all the tapes and emergency vehicles specifically blocking off the area, blithely stepping ON the manhole cover in question...)

FF: And *he* walks directly ON ... HEY! HEY!! GET AWAY FROM THERE!!... we're waiting around just in case there is an explosion and all the manhole covers blow off... jesus.. some people dont have any sense... YOU had the sense to avoid it.
Me: Uhh.. yah.

(I didnt mention that I normally dont step on manhole covers anyway, because having worked with them, I know theyre not always set properly. And then there have been the incidents where horses are occasionally electrocuted walking over the electrical conduit covers. It happens...)

Me: Awright, sounds like a good time for me to go shopping. :-)
FF: Good idear...

Although manhole covers flipping high up in the air would be a COOHOOOL thing to see.. :-)
Being the night owl kinda person, I have always preferred to go grocery shopping late, late, late at night.

I think the habit started back in Chicago, when Jewel opened one of their first 24 hour supermarkets in the late 80's, and everyone quickly followed.

For me, it was a godsend - because, like going to the laundromat in a timely fashion.. it is just a PAIN to go grocery shopping during normal hours.

I think one of my unconscious criterion for a neighborhood, is a 24-hour supermarket near the house....

I dunno. I just like to take my TIME shopping without a buncha people around.
Ive always thought clipping coupons to be a massive waste of time, for the returns you get.

The coupons savings being usually too insignificant, and the products not what you'd normally buy, coupons expiring before you use 'em, as well as the coupons being for over-priced schtuff anyways...

I think Ive been lookin' at it the wrong way.

The other day, someone told me to follow her example and shop from the store circulars... so I took my time and did.

ZOUNDS!!!! A full shopping cart cost me almost HALF what I thought it would!

Okay... that got my attention... specially now.

I always thought I was a careful, if undisciplined shopper... but this saved me more than I ever thought it would.

The next time I shopped, I brought along some coupons from the Sunday paper, for basic stuff I would buy anyways.

ZOUNDS REDUX!!!! ANOTHER third off the same bill. Oh my god.

I had read in "The Millionaire Next Door" that many of the folk who had and quietly sustained significant wealth... had a habit of clipping coupons, even though they really didnt have to sweat the small stuff anymore.

You know... Im starting to GET it now....
Yeah. I look like a little old lady.

Pushing that cart around.

I got a little hand cart the other day because A) I dont relish lugging a duffel bag fulla laundry around and B) Walking five blox (the distance from the house) with a weeks worth of groceries isnt fun.

Even in New Jersey, specially this close to NYC.. most people dont drive.

And even then, I honestly think its ridiculous to fire up the sedan to go one block to the laundromat and five blox for groceries.

Thats the thing about New York and its environs.. almost everything you need is within WALKING distance.

So, I bit the bullet and got me a cart the other day.

Yeah, I feel like an idiot.

But it sure saves wear, tear and pain. In just a few days, this thing has become a TREASURED possession.

I dont know how I did without one before. Even if I were driving.. Id keep one in it.

Those little old ladies arent stupid....
I miss my music.

Shopping in a quiet supermarket you can really hear the muzak.. which has come a LONG way in sophistication and selection, reminded me of it...

Ever since I started moving around years ago, it was a pain lugging my record collection around. And since the majority of it got stolen from storage, Ive never really made it a priority to have music.

But now, I miss my jazz albums. Hearing and singing along to old favorites like Ruby by Donald Fagen of Steely Dan, from his solo Nightfly album, "The Way It Is" by Mike(?) Hornsby, a Tuck & Patti selection, some George Howard solos... I used to have all that.

Now, I dont even have a stereo, because it wouldve been too much trouble to lug around.

I need my music back.

Yeah, thats another thing I need to do....
I got home, I was feeling a bit peckish - so I heated up some garlic pita bread.. quickly seared some eggs with grated parmesan, pepper, garlic and two slices of American cheese (not cheese food).

Mmm. Man. With some soy milk, that was excellent.

Looks like I am definitely weaning myself away from takeout.

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