Saturday, May 19, 2001

(This entry is a day late.
Dont bother me.. I flipped a coin.. MechWarrior or write?...answer: Female Voice of Mech computer - "Planet: Baker 3. Ambient temperature: Neg-ative three four point five four degrees. All systems: Nominal. *Enemy powerup*...detected. *Enemy powerup*... detected.".. Im ready to go to war, furiously entering cheat codes and targeting incoming threats, my ridiculously over-armed four-stories high personal TimberWolf coming to life and already stepping out with extreme prejudice...Call Sign: 'Fool'...)

Around the online world..

JettaGirl, as usual puts it well:

Now, with that in mind, I just feel like not talking to people for awhile until I can completely reaquaint myself with myself.

Frankly, I dont feel like arguing with folk, so Ive pretty much been chilling from everyone deliberately and 'not' (loong story..).

"The planets" (and yes, I do know the significance of when Uranus makes a square angle to another major planet) are in alignment where a comment will ignite a fued where it normally wouldnt.

Belle will back me up on this. :-)

People think Im arguing with everyone.. heh.. no. Just a few folk.

On the flip side of this.. this kinda tension-filled energy induces change, pushing and exposing things that would normally not be said or exposed.

Its not all bad.

But lets just say, particularly with folk who are inclined to be slightly high-strung already, the finer side of diplomacy, would best be left unsaid.

Cause we cant always plead 'planetary insanity'.
Im madly in admiration for my personal unix queen.. zannah of /usr/bin/girl.

I may not read her site(s) daily, but I damned well learn something every time I do.

By following her own interests, she tends to be slightly ahead of the curve.

Got a secret.. if you want to see some of my future technology plans, watch her ... (she's why I started to blog and why Im learning Perl, php and mySQL)..

She tends to hand code, using unix utilities.. and wit some folk, it pays to spring into 'view source' just to read code....

And in her code lies the following..

[!-- * my name is not merv griffin * --]

[!-- * the world needs more pants * --]

[!-- and hi. blogger is so pissing me off right now. --]

Yeah, she my kinda goil...

Although Im also madly in like with the sublime writings of Belle, Cosmic Amanda, Aiyah chica, JettaGirl, CubicleGirl, Will Santos (esq), Young Son, Jamie, Em, George and the others who inhabit my links list...

They allow me to see another lifetime without without all the hassles of reincarnation.

They do feed my soul.

Joey. Honey.

BRUCE Hornsby and the Range.

Yas don't mess wid my Bruce.

- Belle


This is why I need her as my editor.

This points to something Ive been noticing recently.
Things arent coming to the fore as quickly as they used to..

Names, apt words, facts, details..

Im usually almost savant-like in my ability to quickly retrieve this stuff from the maisma of my mind.

But, increasingly, specially after doing tech work, where you have to keep tech minutae to the fore so as to troubleshoot quickly - I am now finding myself without the facility to remember quickly the little things.

Like BRUCE Hornsby, not MIKE Hornsby. Gah.

This is why Im feening to do a substantial brain dump of werk-related shytte.

One of my little idiot trix is I do the daily newspaper jumbles and some of the crosswords in my head, just as exercise. I dont have to write it down.

Except last nite, instead of my allotted 30 seconds to solve the 4 or 5 jumbled words, I spent the entire 35 minute bus ride from midtown New York City to Bayonne staring at one 'word'.

For the life of me, I was in a brain fuzz.. I couldnt unscramble it.

Still cant.


I KNOW what it is. But I cant remember.

This worries me.
(...."Enemy Mech .. destroyed. Reinforcements... en-route...Sensors indicate...Incoming friendly dropships.... Dy-Do and Vic-tory. Return to Firebase for shutdown. All enemy mechs.. destroyed.
Mission: Successful.")

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