Tuesday, May 15, 2001

Nancy was born and bred in and all over Brooklyn. She may live in the suburbs now, but she still thinks of herself as a Brooklyn Goil.

Plus, she always gives me her unvarnished opinon.

She is always fair.

JPennant: tell me your opinion on (previous entry).. Am I over-reacting?
Nancy: k
Nancy: are they from brooklyn?
JPennant: No.
JPennant: Even tho they live in Brooklyn.
Nancy: i am and parts of it are scary - but you don't know that until you've been thru them.
Look at what happened at the carnegie deli last week. That is mid-manhattan! tourist central... seconds from penthouse apts that overlook central park... that's scary...
JPennant: Im not saying parts of Brooklyn isnt...
JPennant: but..
JPennant: the place is smack dab in the middle of downtown brooklyn by fulton and flatbush
Nancy: well, I don't think I'd go there by myself at night... but i've been there before...
JPennant: hell, there are parts of her block that are just as scary at night
Nancy: can't push people to do something they don't want to...
JPennant: we both love jamaican meat patties
Nancy: did she think you were going there?
JPennant: sure.. the patty places ar on my way to my mom's house. no big woop.
JPennant: steps from the subway stations even
Nancy: i know - but she wouldn't venture there herself
JPennant: not even in broad daylight.
JPennant: Even tho areas of Chinatown or Willimsburg or Fort Greene.. are FAR more dangerous neighborhoods.
JPennant: Whats the difference?
Nancy: people have comfort factors and most are unwilling to venture past them.
JPennant: I understand that.
JPennant: but
JPennant: perception is not always reality.
Nancy: very true... but perceptions create those comfort factors... real or not...
JPennant: These are folk who would rather go to Costa Rica than go to past the 'safe' areas of Brooklyn.
Nancy: true
Nancy: perhpas you can take her next time so she can see
JPennant: Heh. I would seriously doubt that she'd go....
Nancy: have you offered?
JPennant: yep, i do believe i have.
Nancy: then it is her choice - and loss...
JPennant: If she isnt willing to go five blox from her house...
JPennant: These are folk who would rather traipse through Central Park at midnight, than go into Crown Heights.
Nancy: you're over-reacting.... its their choice...
JPennant: i dunno. i used to think it wasnt a big deal.. their fears were understandable...
JPennant: but after awhile... it grates. I didnt think it would but it does....
Nancy: not worth it...
JPennant: Around Park Slope and Prospect Park.. you are seeing signs saying "NO MAS Yuppies" and "Yuppie go home"
JPennant: Normally I would see that and think .. thats just a reaction to people coming in and pricing previous residents out.
JPennant: Now, I think its more...
Nancy: ?
Nancy: like?
JPennant: they are regarded as foreigners invading the space, who would rather have it be like manhattan instead of integrating WITH the people who are there.
JPennant: does that make sense?
Nancy: yes but i don't think that is entirely true. My grandmother was in prospect park residence by grand army plaza... while the apartments are expensive many of the little shops and restaurants haven't change - actually gotten a chance to better themselves. I think it is unrealistic to believe that people would not put their own influence into an area where they live. It happens both ways... good for bad and bad for good. My old neighborhood is turning Russian and Korean to reflect the people moving in there.
JPennant: I know.. stuff changes
JPennant: But I go to Sunset Park, Bay Ridge, Park Slope.. like anybody else
JPennant: Crown Heights is no worse.
JPennant: It all a part of Brooklyn to me, good or bad.
Nancy: me too.... if there is something I want I will go where I can get it... just mind my own business and keep my eyes and ears open...

Nancy: don't let it eat you - its really not worth it. Just hope one day people will learn better
JPennant: well, I started a little trubble anyways. Its usually quite effective :-D

Yeah, well.

Lets just say folk got pissed
Now. Let me STRONGLY emphasize, so that people dont misread this:
No one actually did anything wrong. Nor did anyone else.

Its not really ABOUT them. (Reread if youre not sure I mean that.)

I think people have the impression Ive always felt this way. Uh-uh.
It just kinda came over me. It seems that its only.. no, there are exceptions.. primarily black, hispanic or jewish folk would go into that neighborhood to even buy a patty or a loaf of bread.

These are MY feelings.

But after awhile, hearing - "I dont wanna go ' there' " .. and the place isnt near as dangerous as *anywhere* else in NY....

After a couple of years of hearing it, for some reason the refrain *bothers* me now.

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