Thursday, April 05, 2001

Pet peeve #5:

Bad jamaican accents.

Every young black actor has that in his repretoire now.

Oh god, and let me not get started on 'Mistress Chloe'....

No, she's not a Jamaican. I dont know what she is.

Honestly, every time I hear someone try to speak it, I want to beat somebody senseless.

However, there IS one non-caribbean accent that reminds me of home... who I would have to consider 'fellow islanders'.

See, patois/pigdin is not merely an ACCENT.. its an ATTITUDE.

Only those who can feel it, can yeng it.

mars: psst
JPennant: well, hey there hawaiian boid :-)
mars: haha
mars: how is mr JP?
JPennant: standard answer: hangin in there :-)
JPennant: you need to go back home more often
mars: haha why is that?
JPennant: Its like you have an extry spring back in your step. I kin tell.
mars: haha. nah.
mars: i didn't even really do anything at home.
JPennant: eh. dont matter. :-)
JPennant: Its like I go back to Runaway Bay , do almost nothing, and I literally cry when I have to leave.
mars: yeah...exactly!
JPennant: yep. spirit refresher.
JPennant: I was gonna write a little bit about how Hawaiians and Jamaicans speak similiarly
mars: do they?
mars: i didn't realize that.
JPennant: Neither did I until I started reading Kevin Mak back when.
mars: hahaah
JPennant: and Madame X's little Hawaiian translation deal today :-)
mars: oh? ...i'm still catching up on her stuff. ;P
JPennant: Really, thats almost like true Jamaican patois.. the one that most tourists dont get.
mars: haha
JPennant: I think its an island multi-cultural attitude thing. :-)
mars: grant kept laughing at me when i was speaking pidgin. at times i was almost trying to force it out. I'm so not good at it
JPennant: me neither
JPennant: I dont even try anymore.
mars: but its fun!
mars: =)
JPennant: Not when it feels forced. :-)
mars: true
mars: when sometimes its hilarious when it is forced and it sounds so off
mars: haha
JPennant: I dont even dream in Jamaican anymore.
JPennant: Thats when I knew Id lost it.
mars: you did?
JPennant: yep
mars: haha so cute
JPennant: heh
JPennant: Although if Id grown up in New York instead of Chicago, I might not have lost it.
mars: why is that?
JPennant: Lotta folk from the Caribbean here, so I would be dealing with folk from the islands constantly.
mars: that would be cool =)
JPennant: Eh, no. I kinda like my verbal ability now
mars: i hope i don't lose what little i have. haha
JPennant: Ya gotta be talkin to other Hawaiians regular.. :-)
mars: =) my guy fulfills that req
JPennant: heheh

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