Monday, April 02, 2001

Random thoughts:

- Media Mail.

Scrawl that all over a box or package and you'll get the cheaper rate.

Much, much cheaper.

Postal Workers do NOT want you to know that.

It is for CD's, Books, Newspapers et al.

Postal Workers will DENY there is such a thing, if asked.

Do it anyway.

Be insistent.

I was.

That is why, Jules - the box will look kinda messy.

It was in a fight.
Checking ones mail on a web phone is way coohool.

Standing at the corner of Church and Liberty doing that will have otherwise blase and busy New Yorkers staring at you.

I swear.

Myth: New Yorkers mind their own bidness.

Reality: They are usually KEENLY aware of whats going on around them.

Proof: Have a package or something half-way interesting in your hand, and watch their eyes dart down to do an in-depth analysis...

But these same bastids will never tell you if your fly is open.

Now I know what Im doing wrong.

I went through same delay the last time I was looking for a Mac support job.

Most people are Mac unaware, unless they have to use it for work or serious play.

Most people, including recruiters, will not admit to being Mac ignorant.

("Do you know..uh.. Appleshare?" Duh. A more cogent question would be: do you know 'Open Transport'.. Ignant.)

Therefore, placing Mac Techs isnt a priority for placement folk.

Ok, time to make the adjustments....

(Yes, I know.. but I have my reasons..)

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